
Link the specified frames.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructor

PLinkFrames(const PRequestBuf& frames);
Because this command requires a variable number of parameters, you must build a PRequestBuf object and pass it to the constructor. The PRequestBuf object must contain the number of frames (a short), followed by that number of frame IDs. The frames are linked in the order they are specified.

PRequestBuf frames(100); // 100 bytes, plenty big
frames << (short) 3;
frames << (unsigned long) 1;
frames << (unsigned long) 23;
frames << (unsigned long) 14;

See also

The PAttachContent, PBreakLinks, PDeleteContent, PFrameContentPos, PFrameInset, PSeparateContent, and PToggleFrame commands

The PGetFrameContentPos, PGetFrameInset, PGetFrameContentType, PGetIsFrame, and PGetNextFrame queries

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